How To Win At Hoseface

Oh, man, this is a game I’d fight to get in on.  I don’t care if it was manufactured and sold by Hasbro, Milton Bradley, Ohio Art or Whammo, the pure psychological strategy of this simple game is awesome.

First step is to show up to the party early. Then get the ante to a decent level, and once the pot is there, that’s when you talk about how you practiced with the set earlier. Of course you don’t remember which color you practiced with, as you start sniffling and hacking a bit. (Complaining about a slight fever helps.) Then start the game immediately, and without hesitation, hock up a loogie into the trash can.

Gentlemen’s rules say anyone who quits forfeits the pot. INSTANT WIN!

[Found here.]

Author: Bunk Strutts

Boogah Boogah.

7 thoughts on “How To Win At Hoseface”

  1. plane– Good point, but somebody got paid to sit for the photo ops, and I doubt the kids got any of the take. Child abuse, IMO.

    thelit– Yeah! Suck it up!

    Soylent– See my response to thelit above.

    Leeuna– Right. Sure you did. Gonna tell us about it? =)


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