Nothing Much Happened Today.

Apparently that’s a Russian missile, fired into the Ukraine in 2014.

В Донецкой области снаряд «Урагана» пробил машину сил АТО, но не взорвался (ФОТО)
Украинские силовики, которые находятся в районе села Дмитровка Донецкой области, были обстреляны из российских “Ураганов”. К счастью, одна из ракет, попавшая в штабную машину, не разорвалась.
Как сообщает Андрей Захаров, «Дмитровка, база 12 БТрО. Очередная “петарда”, купленная сепарами в “магазине”.

Via Google Translate:

In Donetsk region, the projectile “Hurricane” struck the machine of the ATU forces, but did not explode (PHOTO)
The Ukrainian siloviki, who are in the area of the village of Dmitrovka in the Donetsk region, were fired from the Russian “Hurricanes”. Fortunately, one of the missiles that got into the staff car did not explode.
As reported by Andrei Zakharov, “Dmitrovka, the base 12 of the BTRO. Another “petard”, bought by the segregated in the ‘store.'”

[Original source appears to be here. Found here.]

Where is The National Lampoon now that we need it?

National Lampoon Death Issue

Seems somewhat appropriate given the results of yesterday’s poll. The majority of the US voting populace hasn’t bought into the crap promoted by the socialists, despite their hollow threats, and that’s a good thing.

[Image found all over the internest, but reposted from here.]

2014 Midterm Elections – Bunk’s Voting Guide


This 2014 Midterm Election is easy. Vote the socialists/fascists out, and if you’re confused or undecided about the Propositions, vote NO by default. If you haven’t done your homework by now, abstain, because you’ll only be betting on the color of the jockey’s tunic and not the horse the jockey rides, and that’s a poor way to voice your opinion.

On the other hand, this is very important stuff. If you don’t vote, you have no reason to complain when you find out that you’ve been screwed by the very same people you trusted, and that’s what voting is all about.

P.S. If you don’t know what fascism is, Google “Mussolini” and decide for yourself whether or not the Obama Administration is practicing the same damnable policies. [Hint: They are.]

P.P.S. Oh, and here’s ShaNaNa’s 1972 classic do-wop The Vote Song from back before they morphed into Weenieville: “Oh, dahlin’, I promise, that if ah am elected, yes, I would do anathang thatchawant, anathang thatcha hot might desire, I would give to you. Yes, yes…”

The 2014 Winter Hot Links

2014 Russia Olympics

How to make a wooden Viking beer mug with a hatchet and a knife. I’d use the rawhide method.

Better yet – how to scout and set up a whiskey still in the hills of Appalachia. The late Popcorn Sutton is his own live narrator on this 96 minute video, entitled, “This Is The Last Damn Likker Run I’ll Ever Make.” Take the time to watch it.

Interesting comparative photo essay of differing people of the U.S.

Large Brass Industrial Man Template is a great title for that post.

The True Story of The Simpsons.

Ohio State School For The Blind Marching Band accompanied the OSU  Marching Band for “script Ohio” September 2013.

Amy Oops has free tickets for something. Go for it.

Girls and whale sharks.

Top image refers to this story. KGB, NSA, what’s the difference.