An Expensive Ignosecond

Ignosecond Tree_Demonicious

[Found here. Sequential images after the break.]

[Update:  Two commenters below pointed out that this may have been intentional, and not an Ignosecond. If anyone can find the original source for the story, leave a comment and we’ll post the linky. The link originally posted is dead.]

Ignosecond Tree 1_Demonicious

Ignosecond Tree 2_Demonicious

Ignosecond Tree 3_Demonicious

Ignosecond Tree 4_Demonicious

Ignosecond Tree 5_Demonicious

Author: Bunk Strutts

Boogah Boogah.

26 thoughts on “An Expensive Ignosecond”

  1. hWoore

    embarrassed schuffling from left talon to right … and back to left

    Ex America semper aliquid novi
    [always something odd from America]

    BUT there may be upsides

    —- after polite & suitable pausing for drying, that tree would warm an Eagle’s Eyrie even through a Colorado-Mountain Winter

    AND could the Film be sold for Advertising House Insurance


  2. My first question is why cut down this big nice tree? Although it did look like it may have been dying… Secondly, was this guy planning on tearing down his house to rebuild anyway? Yeah I doubt that.. MY goodness, get a prof. tree guy that knows what he doin’!!! And he has a “sorta” smile in the last pic, so I take it nobody was killed.


  3. Massa Eagle– Your shuffling always amuses me. Yeah, we have our mutants, as does the UK. Percentage-wise it’s prolly about the same, but we still have more in numbers.

    plane– He’s okay.

    Dan Jo– Bozo got a chainsaw for his birthday and just HAD to use it on something. If it weren’t for the tree, he’d have found the porch.


  4. Ya know, it occurs to me that Mr. Murphy was laying down on the job here. Shouldn’t the “natural order” require that the tree fall on the idiot himself, regardless of where he stands? But then again, maybe this was just Nature’s way of reclaiming some turf.


  5. UND Meerkats kill Fairies !!!

    UND Vot would Herr Leibniz say :

    Zees ist Vot happens Ven you introduce so many Monads into zee tree-felling population von Amerika


  6. This is planned. Note that, had the tree fallen away from the house, it probably would have landed on the truck (pic 2 & esp. 3). OKay, maybe not, but still truck is parked FAR too close to the opposite direction that the tree actually fell.

    However, look at the size of the wedge cut out of the house-side of the tree. It’s huge and goes just about to the center (pics 3, 4 & 5). That tree landed very precisely where it was intended. Actually an excellent cut. I’d hire that guy any day of the week to drop a tree exactly where he says he could drop it.


  7. Please note that their truck was parked in the street the whole time. I think they were intending to drop this on the house. The alternative was to drop it on their truck. Hmmmm.


  8. I’ve never cut a tree down in my life and I wouldn’t consider doing it that way! What the heck were they thinking? Start at the top, trim the side branches and cut sections off the top on your way down. Use guide wires/ropes to pull the top pieces in the direction you need.


  9. Pingback: Twitted by Fryy

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