My Marimo

Every two weeks I take a photo of Moss Toshi and the offspring moss balls Toshita, Microtosh & Nanotosh. Related post with more photos and story here.

Those pictures also represent an important milestone for me. I’ve completed a fourth year of chemo, one every two weeks, 104 in total since May 2020. All is well, side effects are tolerable, and the dosage has been reduced twice. We’re just keeping a couple inoperable little bastards from waking up and messing around.

Author: Bunk Strutts

Boogah Boogah.

2 thoughts on “My Marimo”

  1. Wow! I wasn’t aware that you were going through chemo. I’m glad that things are going well. We’re kind of like brothers from another mother with our eclectic and weird tastes in music and me also getting cancer treatments for stage 4 lung cancer. Got nuked 10 times back in late 2022 and have been getting immunotherapy every three weeks since then. Things seem to have stabilized so far. I hope that things improve for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Tamina– Things happen, glad you’re doing fine. I missed out on radiation, but the brain squeeze of oxaliplatin was amazing, and it gave me telekinetic powers for a while. Eight months of that stuff was enough. Now I just get run-of-the-mill chemobrain.


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