The .gif Friday Post No.91: Mona

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[All from Halbot Mail.]

The Manly Blogger Guy Award

hai-karate_ArchiesArchives 090730

I never turn down awards, even from Archie. He and I don’t see eye-to-eye on basic economics and politics.

I don’t recall exactly, but I think we had a cordial discussion on whether a janitor should be paid the same as the owner of the company that employs the janitor, and  I said no.  Regardless, Archie’s basically a good guy with a cool blog.

Since I don’t wear perfume, I’ll pass on this prized and coveted award to:
Amy Oops

Nurse Myra
and Nick.

[Thanks, Arch: All in fun, dude!]

It’s Beer & Blame Day!

Blame 2009

I smell another media frenzy coming up.

[Created with help from this.]

[Update: This is funny.]

Beards, Beards Everywhere. Beards, Beards… Made of Hair.

I’m not a huge fan of beards attached to my face, but I tend to rank the beards of others on a scale of “Oh, it’s a beard” to “I WANT TO TOUCH THAT BEARD.”


He looks like the kind of guy who’d sit in that chair, running a comb through that beard.

But maybe that’s just me.

Of course, many other people have particularly wondrous beards, large and small, but there’s just one that I don’t even call a beard.

Not a beard
Not a beard

By now, you’re probably starting to question my sanity. I am, too. And this is just my second post. So now with my mental stability in question, let us continue with the very GOD OF BEARDDOM. I am, of course, referring to the late, great Billy Mays Jr.


Well, I think this basically wraps up my beard-talk. Go ahead to this website for top quality beards from history.

But wait! One more addition! How could I have forgotten Chuck Norris and Mr. T? HOW? I do believe if I had forgotten to mention them in the post at all, my head would explode upon the publishing date. I’m glad there’s that categories bar within the range of my sight.

Do Andy Rooney’s eyebrows count as beards?


Holy beard!
Holy beard!

(Pictures from here, here, here and here.)

Donald Tyler’s Contribution to the World

squirrel-skinner 2 Patent 7488244

U.S. Patent No. 7,488,244, filed in April, 2007, by Donald Tyler of Cadiz, KY. Abstract:

“An apparatus for skinning a squirrel that is easily manufactured, portable, quick and in which the apparatus can be mounted to a variety of surfaces. The apparatus comprises a base plate connected to toggle clamp in which the toggle clamp is engaged to press two metal tubes tightly together. The base plate is bent at an angle and secured to a stationary object. The tail of the squirrel is placed in the apparatus in between the two metal tubes and the toggle clamp is engaged to secure the tail. The skin is pulled from the uncut skin of the tail thereby removing the skin from the body in two pieces of skin.”

In other words, it’s a toggle clamp. Very cool.

On the other hand, `Mr. Squirrel® looks like a lot more fun.  It comes with TWO attached key rings and a handy braided thong so that The Squirrel Hunter in your family can wear it around his/her neck when not in use. What a deal!

Squirrel Skinner_Eat Liver 090727

[`Mr. Squirrel® found here. Patent image found here. Patent Abstract here.]

Beyond the Valley of the Ultra Hot Links

It’s a hand made aboriginal novelty fake turd_I Am The Cheese 090721

It’s not what you think it is. Click on the image, then scroll down for fun in the comments section. [Hint: It’s a handmade aboriginal novelty fake turd.]

Diesel’s “Mercury Falls” has a website here.

The Dullest Blog in the World [via].

Hey, this video is kinda funny.

This is a cool visual search dealie [found here].

Guess the nationality. You have 10 seconds per image.  (Bunk did amazingly well and miserably poor at the same time.)

I’m sure we posted this must-see before. Here’s Penn & Teller debunking global warming and environmentalism in general from several years ago.  Forget the language warning, let your kids see it in its entirety.  Click here.

Here’s a potentially life-changing video to watch (before you click here).

Best first page of any book ever (found here). The book’s got some great reviews here.

Ted Nugent NEVER holds back. Click this. [For G.Eagle Esq.]

Quick. What’s the Capitol of Brazil? Wrong. Ivan busts some of the stereotypes.

Military Magazine is a great non-glossy newsprint publication, filled with current affairs and commentary that doesn’t appear in the mainstream media.  Order a free sample copy, and tell ’em Bunk sent you.