Pedestrian Bridge

Kenmare, County Kerry, Ireland. I smell straw.

[Found here.]

Drop It Like It’s Hot Links

I don’t know what “The Content Marketing Awards” is, but this blog post was voted the best: How To Tell If You’re Infected With Malware. (MalwareBytes saved my Franken more than once.)

In 2010, Brazil accepted money from Kentucky Fried Chicken for the rights to display the KFC and Fiery Grilled Wings logos on city fire hydrants.

Orville Redenbacher was a member of the P.U. All-American Marching Band.

Developed, then cancelled: The EFV was a high-power high speed amphibious tank.

“Her career was nearly derailed in 1941 when she was suspended for firing her service weapon while drinking off-duty at a Jackson Heights bar.” Mary Shanley, NYPD [via].

State of the Art Glass from Pittsburgh 1955.

Multiple murderer hid out for months in an Australian zoo. “When his food supply was cut off he tore the head off a Galapagos tortoise and ate its insides.” TRUE.

[Top image found here.]


Saturday Matinee – Portlandia Gutter Punks, Music From Hell & Joe Bonamassa Rips It

Heh. I’ve seen posers like this in Santa Monica and elsewhere in Southern California.

Dang [via].

Reminds me of Tom Waits’ “Conundrum” that he described as the sound of “a jail door closing behind you” and says it looks “kind of like a Chinese torture device.”

So many uncredited influences crammed into one awesome jam.

Have a great weekend, folks, and I promise we’ll never post the real names of your dogs and cats without permission.

The .Gif Friday Post No.495 – Duck & Cover, Rover Raft & Silent Set

[Found here, here and here.]

Seven too many clowns at this party.

On 26 July 2017 the US Senate voted to keep ObamaCare in effect forever.

On Wednesday, 26 July 2017, all 48 Democrats plus 7 Republicans in the Senate voted to destroy the most efficient and successful private healthcare system in the world.

Nice move, idiots.

Every totalitarian government in modern history that nationalized medical care for their constituents did it for reasons having nothing to do with medical care or economics, and everything to do with purging the population that remembers oppression and the obvious causes.

ObamaCare is no different.

Welcome to fascism, folks. They’re gonna shove it down our throats despite majority public opinion to the contrary.

[Commentary is my own, top image found here.]

[Update: Corrected the numbers above. h/t Macker. Here’s the tally.]

Sheena – 40 Years Later

Okay, that’s not “The Sheena,” but close enough.

In the late 1970s and 1980s, paramedic Chris Porsz spent hours walking around Peterborough, a city in eastern England, snapping the photos of the everyday passerby.

More side-by-side photos here [via].


“Don’t worry Ma’am, I’m from the Internet.”

It’s brilliant. I’m guessing it’s a methane collector connected to a burner to provide lift to the parachute. I’d name the single-user gas-fired flying machine “Jack The Ripper.”

[Image w/caption found here.]

Hot Links from The Planet of the SuperSuckers

Led Zeppelin‘s classic “Whole Lotta Love” was a blatant ripoff of Willie Dixon‘s song “You Need Love” but you knew that already, yah?

Early on, the band was predicted to fail “like a lead balloon,” so they adopted the name, replaced “balloon” with “zeppelin” then spelled their name “Led Zeppelin” instead of “Lead Zeppelin” to keep people from pronouncing it “leed“. Not sure if it’s true, but it sounds plausible.

The Stick – Jonathan Winters.

The Pencil – Milton Friedman.

The Axe – Ed Ames.

Double muscling is the result of a genetic mutation that causes a lack of Myostatin. It’s been observed in cattle, goats, sheep, dogs, rabbits and mice. (In rabbits, their tongues also enlarge and get really strong. Hunh.)

Double muscling occurs in humans as well.

Attenton Tackooners:
There’s a small chance that Tacky Raccoons may go dark for a while as we update from our trusty Apple IIe networked banks to Windows XP. Please be patient, and if you can’t stand a delay, check out our friends hotlinked in the sidebar.
Your Pal, Bunk

[Top image: Best Salesman Trophy Figurine. Source undetermined.]

Saturday Matinee – Bert The Turtle, Time for Sushi & Jaco Pastorious

Bert The Turtle showed children how to survive a nuclear attack – assuming they’re far enough away from Ground Zero to have time to react. The film was shown in schools from 1952 into the 1990s.

David Lewandowski‘s “Time for Sushi” (2017) is pure disturbed weirdness. (His 2013 vid “Late For Meeting” is a classic.)

The late Jaco Pastorius was one of the greatest jazz-funk fretless bass players in modern times, IMO. [Video h/t TITH]

Have a great weekend, folks. We’ll do something just as fun tomorrow.