Art Rebel WIN

ART means not following directions

This is not an art class. It’s a conformity exercise in graphic plagiarism, and two kids in that class deserve an A. The *ahem* teacher deserves an F for taking the easy way out in order to please his/her employers and chumping the parents.

Please tell me I’m wrong.

[Found in here.]

Ingenuity + Necessity + Logic

That guy kicks more ass than anyone you know. Then there are these guys:

Necessity = Invention. I don’t know about you, but I want the Third World to have the same technology we have. Taking down the successful folks (cropping poppies) won’t do it despite what “Progressives” say.

As a subtle aside, READ THIS.

[Top image found here.  Last two via email from 1389AD.]

Fixing an Embarassing Dog Fro

Sorry, it’s just wrong. It can’t be fixed, even if you say it’s cool. I’d rather see marmaduke mullets than canine q-tips.

[Related post here.]

BTW, according to WorpDress stats, this is the 1,800th post on Tacky Raccoons since 3 August 2007, and I didn’t steal it from anybody! BoogahBoogah!