Wave of the future past…

This is sad in a no-respect kinda way.  Looks like a big ol honkin’ no-respectin’ raven head.

This prolly wouldn’t bother me so much if I knew that it was made from 45’s of the Archies, the Ohio Express, or even Tommy Roe. 33’s of the Royal Guardsmen’s greatest hits wouldn’t bother me either.

BUT somewhere in this sculpture might be the last surviving copy of Big Don Petrucci & the Solid Voidz’  “Carbona Mona (got her lights on me).”

What a shame.

[Image from Neatorama.]

WWI Carrier Hummingbird

EatSleepDraw is Beyond the Valley of Cool and verges into the Land of Advanced Tublication, in Bunk’s opinion.  Excellent compilation of amateur works of all levels.

Bunk’s Money Saving Tips: ORIGAMI

Make your US Dollars worth much more than a Euro with these simple patterns.  (Clicky on each image for more bigossifyingness.)

I don’t know the original source for these.  They were emailed to me by friend Dan S, a civil engineer who had a lemon-sized tumor taken out of his noggin after he went under the knife for surgery a coupla years ago for a late-blooming congenital heart defect.  True story, and he’s okay now.

Saturday Matinee: Bears

Proof that the news media is biased.  Forget the pier! I wanna know more about the bear!
[From SPLHCS.]

“Stupid dopey trash-rap a-comin’, comin’ up. Whoa.
Guy in a bear suit, with rappin’ comin’ up. Whoa.
Patient wit da video, be patient comin’ up. Whoa.
Babe Magnet, bear suit, all be comin’ up. Whoa

[Lyrics from “In’ Up-Whoa” by MC Daddy BS, Strutts Music 2008.]

Actually SoulJah Bear is kinda funny to me, especially with the video editor’s comments.  Kinda almost cool, just like The Howlies.  Here’s SoulJah Bear’s obvious inspiration:

Bunky remembers Dancing Bear in black and white.  Bunky really liked Captain Kangaroo.  Bunky really didn’t like Scary Dancing Bear.

Pachuca Sunrise,” Minus the Bear.

Daughter Bunkessa heard this song as “I Come From a Land of Hunger.” It’s got a bear in it, too.

The Man with the Longest Arms

I can’t make anything out of this, except for two typos in the 14th line in the top board about a foot from the right.  Otherwise the proof is correct.  Here is the problem:

if”n”is a whole number that is more than 3.
The value of”x,y,z”in the equation
“x^n+y^n=z^n”will not be a whole number.
write an equation to prove it.

The man is/was a mathematician of Czech Republic, Pilsen, Westbohemian University, Department of Mathematics, RNDr. Jiří Čížek, CSc. [Source here.]

Then there’s this:  “[something]Ver Analysis: Relationships Built On Self Respect” followed with little train cars/lunchboxes of unintelligible words [perhaps “corp,” “banks,” and two other scribbles] and being pulled by an engine down below past the x’s where it derailed and the little engine spun out.  I dunno, Babs.

I don’t know who the master is in the top image, but I do know whose class I’d sign up for.

[Images from here and here.  As an aside, THIS is very interrrrestink.]

[UPDATE: Some folks are trying to figger out who the guy in the top photo is.  It might be RNDr. Josef Voldrich, CSc, although our crack team of webminers think it is someone older.  Email us if you have a link with positive identification.]

[UPDATE 2: This is cool, and we’re a little bit closer.]

One year anniversary for SPLHCS!

FinPeng started up his online oddness a year ago today with “Sgt. Peppers’ Lonely Hearts Club Soda.” Go give him a “howdy” and a beer, here.  While you’re at it,  check out his new site, “The Awesome Squad.” That’s where FinPeng, I and several others will buy YOU a beer… as long as you behave yourself.