Capelocratic Hot Links

Love is All Right, Cliff Nobles & Co. (1968) Cliff Nobles recorded this A-side for the 45rpm, but the B-side, The Horse, was the instrumental hit. It became one of the most recognizable instrumentals ever, and EVERY high school band played it. The Horse was also the theme song for Radio Veronica, a popular dutch pirate radio station that broadcast from a ship on the North Sea in the 1960’s & 70s.




The Surprise.

Hell’s Jukebox.

Sound up.
[h/t Bunkerville]

Cute bat embryos.

A Band Called Death.

Milton Friedman would have turned 110 years old today.

Clifford Stoll talks about what he’s not going to talk about (2006).

[Top image found here.]

From the Archives: 1 year ago. 5 years ago. 10 years ago.

Saturday Matinee – The Tractors, The Blue Cats & Tony Spinner

Steve Ripley & The Tractors were responsible for creating the highest selling album ever recorded in the state of Oklahoma. Ripley passed away  at his home in Pawnee, Oklahoma in 2019. He was 69

The Blue Cats – Beltane Fire hail from Southhampton, England. They morphed somewhat over the years, moving from rockabilly to psychobilly, then “ditched the quiffs and upright bass for something darker, heavier and evocative of merry old England” according to one review.

Tony Spinner is probably better known as a background vocalist/guitarist for Toto. He owns owns a 1964 Chevy SS.

Have a great weekend, busy or not, and we’ll see you back here tomorrow for, you know, whatever.


Neovitalistic Hot Links

 Thunderbirds, A. Aallon Rytmiorkesteri (2000) A. Aallon, also known as A. Aalto and A. Aalto’s Rhythm Orchestra, is an iskelmä (pop) music group from Ylöjärvi, Finland.  Interesting mix of styles, but this particular space western surf instrumental struck a chord with me.

Man O’ War.


Sumo floaties.

The Proposal.
[h/t Bunkerville]

Want a farm job?

Jumper on the Rex.

Fibbonacci Elephant.
[h/t Memo Of The Air]

Don’t drink and bollard.

Ridiculous Inflatable Swan Thing.
[h/t Mme. Jujujive]

[Top image found here.]

From the Archives: 1 year ago. 5 years ago. 10 years ago.

Saturday Matinee – Tribe Members Watching Polar Bears, Atomic Leopards & The Oblivions

Watching the Beeb. [Found here.]

In 2005, Barcelona rockers Santi & David Lluch formed Atomic Leopards,  and were members of  Hellbilly Club. That’s not Spanish either – I think it’s Catalan.

Don’t know if The Oblivions chose that video, but as odd as it is, it seems appropriate. (The clip is from a Brazilian game show.)

That’s it for now. Have a great weekend, stay cool, and we’ll see you back here tomorrow for more random acts of oddness.

The .Gif Friday Post No. 739 – A Five Second Tour, Off Road Surfing & A Beer Block

[Found here, somewhere in here, and here.]