Subcutaneous Hot Links

Corcoran Student Artwork

More women have baby faces on their knees than we thought.

#WhenIWasYourAge is amusing as far as Twitter hashtags go.

Pit bulls in flowers.

Children of Darkness and the institutions they live in. [This program contains language and sequences some viewers may find disturbing.]

Classic clip from The Prisoner: No. 6 chased by “Rover.”

A Rainbomb explained: “When the faucet really flips on, air can blast out of the sky at more than 115 miles per hour.” So there you go.

Canelo, el Mono Aullador más grande de la Senda Verde. Dare you to turn your speakers up and listen to the entire song.

“…rich, expansive and uniquely integrated academic curricula grounded in real-world experiences.” –A Quote from the Corcoran School of the Arts and Design Graduate Studies webpage. [Example of a Corcoran student’s work above, with quote, found here.]

Saturday Matinee – Robin Trower, Procul Harum & Clarence Gatemouth Brown

Robin Trower‘s album Bridge of Sighs was a gold record in 1974. (According to Trower, the title song was named for a racehorse that was named after il Ponte dei Sospiri).

Procul Harum in 2013(?) playing their 1967 hit “Whiter Shade of Pale,” featuring Gary Brooker, Keith Reid, Matthew Fisher, Robin Trower, Chris Copping.

Okay, the slow dance is over. Let’s crank it up.

Clarence Gatemouth Brown (1924-2005) burns through “Pressure Cooker” and “Up Jumped The Devil.” Amazing musician, and his 1981 album “Alright Again!” is one of my favorites.

Have a great weekend folks, wherever you are.


The .Gif Friday Post No. 445 – Demolition Demon, Roll Survivor & Rock This Way

Demolition Man

Rolled It

Trek Rock FAIL

[Found here, here and here.]


Click on the ones you like, right-click and save them full size; use a photoshop tool to square and crop, print them out on glossy newsprint, trim them then cash them in.

Valid everywhere groceries are sold, good through 7 August 2016.

[h/t Amy Oops.]

Sam’s Pizza, Sam’s Hamburgers, Sam’s Fries, Sam’s Beer, Sam’s Wine, Sam’s Coca-Cola and Mike.

Sam's Special 5Sam's Special. 3Sam's Special Sam's Special. 2Sam's Special 4

While surfing the internest, I spotted the buck sign and my first impulse was “I want to go there.” Then I found what appeared to be related images, but I wasn’t sure if they were photos of the same place or where it was. On a whim I googled “Sam’s Hamburgers” and everything synched up.

Sam’s is a popular burger joint in San Francisco, the owner’s name is not Sam, and it was established in 1966. I read this review from 2013 and decided to include a visit to Sam’s on my bucket list.

Then I found this. Apparently owner Mike Shawa (nephew of the founder) passed away recently at the age of 70. Damn. That’s still young these days. The place survived the opening of a Carl’s Jr. down the street, so I expect it will survive this setback, too.

And it’s still on my bucket list.

[Some images above were found in here via here; others from here. Somewhat related post here.]

Opinionated Hot Links

Brazil 2016

Epic Cat is still epic.

84 year old shows his stuff at Muscle Beach.

Weaponized Victimhood: “This is not a grand battle against institutionalised injustice. This is an addiction to indignation.”

The MiniMoog made music history. Here are Parts 1 & 2 of an interesting (but flat) documentary.

Remember Walter Carlos? He flipped the switch years ago, and nobody cared. Why does anyone care about that Bruce guy?

The Ramones 31 December1977 London. Very cool, but they didn’t play Sheena.

Canadian cities in the 1950s in watercolor.

Cussing in the carnival photobooth.

Incarcerated for his opinions in the United States of America, Dinesh D’Souza has a new film out.

FWIW, The Blogmocracy had trouble migrating their blog. Their new address is so update your bookmarks.

[Top image from here, with the caption:
Already struggling with an impeachment challenge, the worst recession in a century and the biggest corruption scandal in Brazil’s history, the Workers Party leader was given another reason to doubt she will complete her four-year term.”
Something sounds familiar.]