Two Girls for Every Boy

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“He’s got a ’30 Ford Wagon and he’s got nothing to brag about;
Panama City, here we come.”
Meanwhile his future wife takes an elbow to the head.

[Found at My Parents Were Awesome.]

Which one is the new Junior Lieutenant?

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Hint:  He’s immortal.
Also he’s traditionally known in the ranks as the FNG.
[Found in here.]

Buddy Miles

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Since I posted a couple of his videos yesterday, here’s Buddy, in all his hog-ridin’ gut spillin’ awesome glory.

Note that one of his bands, Electric Flag, contributed to the soundtrack to Easy Rider, but were excluded from the album. Go figger.

[Image found here.]

Saturday Matinee – Aiki, Stripes, Two Weeny-Lookin’ Beards, Buddy & Buddy & Jimi

I’d never heard of AikiJujutsu before today. It’s awesome because it depends on the energy of the attacker, rather than the strength of the defender. A Veteran on one of the blogs I’ve been following recently (Blogmocracy, aka LGF2.0) said he likes it because it gives one the options of annoy, hurt, or harm, depending on the level of the attack. Hit the Gurgle/Utoobage buttons for more.

Speaking of the military, here’s Bill Murray at his peak. No way could anyone have pulled this off in real life, but it’s still classic.  (After this scene, the rest of the movie sucked donkeys.)

This is very cool… except for the weeny beards that kinda negate the coolness. [Found here.]

I was about to post a video of Electric Flag, but this is even better: Buddy Miles with Buddy Guy in the U.K in 1969.  Looks like they’re playing with Paul Butterfield’s band, prior to the blues revival in the U.S.

More Buddy Miles, this time with Jimi Hendrix, 1970. Beyond the valley of cool.  (We’ve got a great photo of Buddy Miles coming up tomorrow. Stay tuned.)

Just Doing Her Job

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She works for RAMCO. Get it?

“Orange County firefighters responded to a call of an elderly woman driving a Mercury Grand Marquis backing into one garage and then driving into another garage across the driveway …  in San Juan Capistrano Monday morning. No injuries were reported but one of the structures sustained heavy damage.”

I’m not sure what RAMCO manufactures, but if they make garage doors, this would make sense, drumming up business in a slow economy.

[Story and images from here.]

Bartolozzi’s Pinnochio

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Salvador Bartolozzi (1882 – 1950) was one of the most important Spanish comic artists from the 1920s. With his several famous characters, such as the ‘Pipo y Pipa’ and his free adaptation of Collodi’s ‘Pinocho y Chapete’, Bartolozzi counts as an innovator of the Spanish comic strip. Bartolozzi went to Paris, where he stayed for six years. After his return, he joined the publishing house Calleja. Bartolozzi collaborated with several juvenile magazines, such as Pinocho, Macaco and Chiquilín.

[Image and quote found here, via Everlasting Blort.]