Christmas Decorations

Christmas Decorations

If you haven’t taken ’em down by now, might as well leave ’em up.

[Found here.]

Smokin’ Hot Links


Page images from a 1965 edition of the Boy Scout’s Handbook bring back memories.

The Blob: 1,000 cubic feet of squid eggs discovered over 70 feet below the ocean surface (video at the link).

Puppy vs. Doorstop.

There’s a reason for wrapping your cabin in foil.

Hitchbot mugged in Philadelphia, is recuperating from injuries.

Top image from here [via]. Very cool graphics.

Saturday Matinee – The Green Beret, Butane James & The Flames, & The Shadows

Odd scary animation. I love it.

Hardest Working Knees In Show Business.
(This one goes out to you, Calo. Chin up always.)

The Shadows were smokin’ on Lawrence Welk circa 1960.

Have a great weekend, folks. Remember to leave the seat up after you’re done peeing on it and always flush with your feet. All you guys, please do the same, and we’ll see you back here tomorrow.

The .Gif Friday Post No. 403 – Cat Ballet, Pub Pup & Russian Water Park

Cats and Noise
Beer Dog
Russian Water Park

[Found here, here and here.]

1920s Selfies


Note that two pricey photos were taken simultaneously, suggesting promotional photos. Original source unknown because we were too lazy to hunt for it, but we’ll link with credit if you find it.

[Received via email. Tip ‘o the Tarboosh to A.U.]

Go Home. We Don’t Want You Here. Leave Now. Do It Quietly. We Don’t Want You Here. Go Home.


[Found here.]

The Wreck of the Aircraft Carrier USS Macon


The USS Macon was an aircraft carrier that sank stern-down off the coast of Point Sur California during a violent storm in 1935. There were surprisingly few casualties, and those she sustained were due to human error. One jumped to his death, another returned to the sinking wreck to retrieve his personal belongings. All other crew members survived.

The Macon was not an attack vessel. Its purpose was to provide long-range surveillance of the Pre-WWII Japanese navy, and it sunk because this aircraft carrier was not designed to float on water. Some of her aircraft had no landing gear either, because the ship had no landing deck.


Puzzle this one out for yourselves before you click.
[Explanation, images and source links below the break.]

Continue reading “The Wreck of the Aircraft Carrier USS Macon”

Saturday Matinee – (Hg(SCN)2) Decomposition, The Electric Prunes, The Count Five & The Seeds

Mercury(II) thiocyanate decomposition is kinda cool, but some of the U Toobage comments amused me more (posted verbatim):

Imagine a 50 tons asteroid made of this thing … it would enter the atmosphere, get in flame, expand like the whole africa and kill us

This was filmed in a North Korean secret science lab where they are trying to build their next president.
How cool would it be to pretend to be a wizard in the medieval ages, just go into a kings throne room and threaten them by summoning satans dick tentacles, pop this experiment down, and as everyone is screaming, command the dick tentacles to stop, and then they all be like. Oh you so great wizard telling satans dick tentacles to stop, and then you would be like muahahah – ill stop, and yes, there is something wrong with me.
Why is he using a little tiny golf club to put down the powder?
Why did watching this bring Hillary to mind ?
and that’s how they grow kale! now you know

i’d smoke that

poke it with a stick…

BTW, the word is spelled “Weirdest.” I before E except after W…

Okay. Enough of that, so let’s go eclectic. How ’bout some 1966 retro?

Here’s The Electric Prunes on Dick Clark’s American Bandstand, circa 1966, lip-synching “I Had Too Much To Dream.”

“Psychotic Reaction” by The Count Five, circa 1966.

The Seeds‘ “Pushin’ Too Hard” circa 1966.

For me, 1966 was a great year because I got a small transistor radio for my birthday. It ate up my allowance money in batteries because I’d fall asleep listening to WSAI into the wee hours on school nights.  It was also the year Dad ordered a complete set of the World Book Encyclopedia. That was the edition that had frog dissections and human anatomy on overlapping clear celluloid layers. Very cool.

Have a great weekend, folks. Be back here tomorrow for stuff.