“Um, Hasbro. May I have a word with you?”

It appears that Hasbro has repackaged Milton Bradley‘s classic “The Game of Life” (which it owns) with a more accurate title. Good thing there’s a warning that the “poop” contains wheat.

[Advertisement vid here, image & copy found here, via here.]


And The Times They Are A Hot Links

A long forgotten grade-school rhyme popped into my head recently and here it is.

Mary had a little watch.
She swallowed it one day,
So Mary took a Feen-A-Mint
To pass the time away.

The Feen-A-Mint, it did not work;
The time, it did not pass;
So if you want to know what time it is,
Just look up Mary’s little brother.
He’s got a watch.

Full Moon.

Marky Ramone talks about CBGBs and stuff.

The U.S. Tax System explained with beer.

These “Chimera Cats” are not photoshopped images.

Caren Zeldie Turner lost her position as NJ Port Authority Commissioner because of this.

Cool and embarrassing at the same time. El TIE Fighter más ecológico de la galaxia.

The world’s oldest living person is always alive because the previous record holder has passed on.

Broward County school shooting survivor Kenneth Preston did some homework and was squelched.

Some People Are Their Own Identical Twins. [via]. More here.

[Top image found here.]

Saturday Matinee – Dave Allen, NYC 1911, Hormel Pepperoni, YES & The Sensational Alex Harvey Band

That’s Dave Allen (1936-2005) and that’s a 1965 VW 6-volt Beetle. It didn’t have headlights. It had glowlamps. I know because I owned one.

1911 New York City restored hand-cranked film, speed corrected and with an added soundtrack humanizes the populace a bit. A lot of interesting things happened in 1911, itemized here and here. Sheet music sales determined the popularity of songs and Scott Joplin’s rags were hot, like Treemonisha.

Hormel Pepperoni advertisement [h/t Calo]. I’m speechless. Let’s get out of here.

YES stood out a bit from the music of the 70s. Sure, they were art rock, their lyrics were inane and incomprehensible, they’ll make you out and out, but their music was killer.

The Sensational Alex Harvey Band was very underrated IMO.

Have a great weekend, folks. See you back here tomorrow.

The .Gif Friday Post No. 532- A Cheep Snack, Clothing Adjustment, & Bottle Flippers

[Found here, here and here.]

Fareed Flintstone

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) are arguably the most westernized of the muslim nations, however… https://www.worldnomads.com/travel-safety/middle-east/united-arab-emirates/what-you-can-or-cant-do-in-the-united-arab-emirates

Betty and Wilma were allowed to drive, but why did the Flintstonemobile have a steering wheel? BTW, Fred Flintstone ordered the BrontoRibs at a drive-in restaurant, apparently ate them there. He never brought them home, therefore the photo above is historically inaccurate. 😀

[Found here.]

Auto Wash Bowl

“The Auto Wash Bowl was built in Chicago in 1924 by The Newway Auto Cleaning & Service Corp., allowing drivers to run around in circles to clean off the undercarriage. After that, they drove into a stall where they’d get a proper wash by an attendant.”

[Image & caption found here via here.]

Proactive Retributional Hot Links

18 April 2018 was the 75th Anniversary of The Doolittle Raid of 1942, the daring attack on mainland Japan after their surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. A 1983 interview with (then 87 year-old) General “Jimmy” Doolittle can be found here.

Why some doorknobs are knurled.

Zen moment: Just saw a bee with one wing. Every time it tried to fly it ended up on its back, rolled over, crawled for a bit and tried to fly again with the same result. It never gave up, but it made the same mistake over and over. There’s more than two morals in that story.

Have You Ever Really Seen The Moon?” is a collection of peoples’ reactions to looking through a telescope [via].

A beheaded majestic white swan didn’t bleed, wasn’t killed.

This is clever. Mechanical servos go digital.

Gumball Wars [via].

Ever work on a carpentry project, mis-measure the cut and end up with a short board? The BS100o Board Stretcher is the solution. “Measure once, cut twice.”

The Institute for Centrifugal Research (ICR) is worth the visit. If you’ve seen it before, it’s worth a revisit.


Saturday Matinee – Two Ronnies, Bagpipe Rock, Jim Stafford & George Harrison

American humor cannot match that of Ronnie Corbett & Ronnie Barker [via].

Not sure who they are, but they’re a Scottish Bagpipe Rock Band.

Meanwhile, Jim Stafford is both an underrated guitarist, a talented comedian, and he had some minor hits in the 70s, and he’s still alive. Congrats.

Stafford had a number of minor hits, but I remember one in particular. I’d just lost a girlfriend, and this song seemed to make sense of it all. In retrospect it didn’t, but so what.

Dude was and is funny.

Here’s one of the prettiest songs George Harrison ever wrote and one of the most appropriate videos I’ve ever seen.

For some unknown reason that song always makes me tear up, and there’s something in that innocent video that hits my heart.

Have a great weekend, folks. See you back here tomorrow.