The Most Terrifying Bird In The World?

“Clamping down on its prey, the bird will start to swing its massive head back and forth, tipping out whatever stuff it doesn’t want to eat. When there’s nothing but lungfish or crocodile left, the shoebill will give it a quick decapitation with the sharp edges of the bill.”
[Audubon Society]

The shoebill lives in the wetlands of central Africa and grows up to 5 feet tall, has a wingspan of up to 9 feet, and is known to devour snakes, eels, monitor lizards, and baby crocodiles. It’s kinda big and scary, but it’s docile around humans, making it easy prey for poachers. It was the Audubonnies who called the shoebill stork “the most terrifying bird in the world” because it can stare you to death.

[Images and story from here. Bottom image found here, h/t Pam M.]

Update: Corrine L. notified me that when a spoonbill comes up to greet you there’s screaming and gunfire.

Update 2:

Author: Bunk Strutts

Boogah Boogah.

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