From the “I Don’t Know What To Do With This So I’ll Post It Anyway” Department

Found in my FB feed. I hope it didn’t bruise her.

Nudiustertian Hot Links

Chúc mừng năm má»›i – Năm của chuá»™t!

Tết 2020The Year of the Rat.


The Escape.

Ooga Chacka.

One Hell Of A Bender.

Running With Parrots [via].

21 Quotes By Margaret Sanger.

Russian Elephants In The Snow [via].

Miss World & Miss Universe Statistics.

Another Great Actor Who Wasted His Life On Drugs And Alcohol.

“If you buy a bucket of chicken, check it before you leave, or all you’ll get are backs and feet.” –Grampa Strutts

“The instant you pull out of your driveway you become traffic and everyone hates you.” –Bunk Strutts

If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy. If Papa ain’t happy, nobody gives a shit.” –Anonymous

From the Archives: 1 year ago. 5 years ago. 10 years ago.

[Top image: Painted gourd found in my garage. Artwork by Bunkessa years ago.]

Articulating Sphenoid Hot Links

The vomer is located in the midsagittal line, and articulates with the sphenoid, the ethmoid, the left and right palatine bones, and the left and right maxillary bones.

Vomer means ploughshare in Latin. It’s part of a plow.

Got a stuffed up nose? Rock your vomer to relieve the congestion [via].

The Detox Cleanser Scams: “Why pay for what your pee pee and poo poo already do for you?”

When raking leaves, remember that Air Is Your Enemy. Here’s the short version. My opinion is that no one should rake leaves in this first place. Let ’em fall and let ’em rot where they fall. I like humus.

Are you, or have you ever been an ealuscop? Fess up.

From the “I-Didn’t-Know-This” Dept: Caterpillars don’t morph into butterflies. Once it’s sealed up in its chrysalis, the caterpillar dissolves into goop. The goop reorganizes itself into a butterfly. More stuff about caterpillar goop here [via]

Q: Does a moth remember its pre-goop caterpillar days?
A: Apparently the answer is Yes.

I’m sure I posted something about Michael Larson before, because he was amazing.

History of The Slinky. Bonus track: Cool stuff you can do with a Slinky.

Sam Kinison‘s Greatest Hit was a remake of the Troggs “Wild Thing.”  TRUE.

[Top images chopped, channeled, lowered and louvered from Google Images.]

We’re having Splatghetti again tonight.


The .GIF Friday Post No. 468 – Hot Head, Caution ‘Coon & Dancin’ Dog




[Found here, here and here.]

Polyunsaturated Hot Links

Neanderthal facial reconstruction

Marine Harriers Strike ISIS Targets in Libya from USS Wasp

Classic from 2007: “What is oozing out of our ground?

Another classic: The Amish Virus.

Okay, so an enlisted 1st Class Navy Petty Officer got drunk, couldn’t start his vehicle due to a breathalyzer interlock. He captured a raccoon in an adjacent park brought it into his vehicle and squeezed it. The breathalyzer detected no alcohol on the raccoon’s breath, so the vehicle started, but the raccoon passed out from the squeeze. The driver left the animal unconscious on the floorboard of his vehicle. The raccoon awoke later and attacked the driver who then crashed his vehicle through a residential fence and into a swimming pool. TRUE. [h/t Dolphin Catcher.]

The Arnheiter Affair was a book published in 1971, suppressed via litigation, about Marcus Aurelius Arnheiter, best known for being relieved of command of the USS Vance after only 99 days.

Milton Friedman’s full smackdown of Phil Donahue. Jump to 00:20:40 for the Good n’ Greedy stuff.

“We’re singin’ Hidey-Ho ’til the cows come home, you know, and we’ll get all Glad N’ Greasy.” –The Beat Farmers 1986.

The politically correct crowd is upset over a joke featuring two labrador retrievers? Wow.

If you care what Elvis Costello‘s favorite music is, click here [via].

This song was pretty good, even though I have no idea what his point was.

[Top image: Reconstructed Neanderthal Facial Profile from here, and if you look hard enough you’ll find an unshaven Neanderthal hottie who could kick your ass.]

[Update: Repaired busted link.]