Bank Failure

Bank Failure

[Found here.]

Food Chain Blink

“Like watching something you shouldn’t.”

[Found here.]

Love Bite or Zombie Coon? You Be The Judge.

…brains… nomnomnom… brains… blonde… gnarfgnarfgnarf…

[Found here.]

The .Gif Friday Post (on Thursday) No.219 – Kit Kat Clock Hate, Zoo Chimp Hate, Ninja Cat Hate

The first is cool, because I have one, and they’re evil as hell.

The second, I don’t know, but someone’s not paying attention to what’s going down.

The third is completely in the realm of douchebaggery, primarily because Mr. Dbag thought his sit-ups were worth recording. I’m glad he did, because it’s one of the few .gif animations that induce mental sound effects.

[Found here, here and here.]

Update– Blew the scheduling for the Friday >gif post. I set my calendar ahead instead of my clocks. Oh well…

Give Us A Sign

Protesters pray on a disused billboard during a demonstration to demand the resignation of Yemen’s President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Sanaa, Yemen, Friday, Sept. 30, 2011.

Can you spot the apostates? [Found here.]