2022 & 2021 Grumpkins

The missus butchered this year’s Grumpkin in record time, and not a single tricker treater showed up last night. On the plus side, we have about month’s worth of Reese’s and I know where they’re hidden.

For some reason, our last year’s Grumpkin butchery was never posted, so here it is:

Previous years’ Strutts  Grumpkins here.

Bunk’s Grumpkin


20 minutes start to finish, no template. I was going for a Samoan Luche Libre kinda vibe. In the sun it looks like The Donald, but that wasn’t the intent.


We had a total of three trick-or-treaters. One was a little yappy dog. The other two were adult women begging for candy, and one of them thought jogging pants and a sweatshirt and carrying a little yappy dog counts as a costume. The other one was wearing crow feathers. Her outfit was awesome, and she’s completely nuts.

Then The Missus got HER knives out.


These were good, orange bell peppers stuffed with rice, corn and black bean farts. I love Halloween.

Bunk’s 2015 Halloween Grumpkin

151031 Grumpkin 1

Took me about 30 minutes. Looks nice and menacing, ya?
Trouble is, there’s this thing called “scale” that kinda ruined it all.

151031 Grumpkin 2.
I’ve done better, but given that we only had about five groups of sugarboogers, the amount of time and effort was not squandered.

It also looks like our neighbors’ kikmi dog (that barks all night, until I nail it with a bucket of ice water and the yappy dog’s owner gets pissed at me). The dog’s owner looks just like her dog, too.

All Hallow’s Eve Grumpkins – A Retrospective

Our Grumpkins were known to make dogs bark and little kids cry. A red Sharpie marker, a serrated boning knife and Tom Waits’ “Bone Machine” / Mickey Hart’s “Planet Drum” blasting through the neighborhood made it all worthwhile.

The neighborhood kids are all grown up now…

Bunky’s Grumpkin 2010

I’m proud to say that my grumpkins make big dogs bark and little kids cry. Previous year’s grumpkins can be found here and here.

Bunk’s Grumpkins 2009

Grumpkins (4)a

Dang. Lost my boning knife so I had to wing it with a serrated steak knife instead.  Grumpkin on the right lost an eye due to that unfortunate handicap, but Ms. Spaulding came out better than expected.

Two freestyle grumpkins in 75 minutes is a decent crank, though.