Somewhere in Russia

[Image source: Possibly this collection. h/t Gord S.]

The .Gif Friday Post No. 781 – Christmas Moo, Trippy Tree, Santapaster, St. Nick Lights One Up & Ditto House

[Found here, here,  here and here. The Santapaster was found somewhere else.]

Rock Roll

A landslide in Ronchi di Termeno, Italy, January 2014, sent two boulders down a cliff, one destroyed the barn. The boulder in the foreground was already there from a previous slide.

From NatGeo:
Two huge boulders sent tumbling by a landslide narrowly missed a farmhouse in Ronchi di Termeno in northern Italy on January 21, 2014. The above photo, taken two days later, shows one of the boulders after it rumbled down the hill and destroyed the barn before coming to rest in the vineyard—halted within a meter of the house. The second boulder, hidden behind the house, stopped just short of the building.
While smaller boulders tumble down cliffs often, [geologist Ben Mackey of NZ] says, huge rockfalls like this one are fairly rare. In a given location, boulders of this size would fall maybe once in many thousands of years. “Generally, it would not be advisable to live under a cliff prone to rockfall like this,” Mackey says.

[Found in here.]

The .Gif Friday Post No. 695 – Rantbear, Hovertramper & A Light Show

Rantbear made from this image, then I messed with the trampoline colors of a .gif found here, and a blog buddy wanted some weather added to an old Stanley Clarke concert clip.

“They warned me that the home was wallpapered in beer cans…and I thought to myself, ‘Well, I wonder where in the world they found beer can wallpaper.'”

“No, ma’am. Beer cans.
Every room is covered in beer cans.”


And there’s a bonus offer!

[Found here via here.]

Fun Facts to Know and Tell:
Heineken® was once sold in glass masonry units. Story here.

“It’s A Colorful Day In The Neigh-Bor-Hood”

Damages could run into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

“He obviously has a drug issue or something going on, [neighbor] Klawans said. “I have just never seen anything like this in my life.”

The Collier County Property Appraiser’s office says the house belongs to 40-year-old Jeffrey Leibman, who neighbors said did the damage over the course of a week.

[Image & story (with video) found here, via here.]