Mousie farts are funny.

[Found here.]

“Farting Against Thunder.”

In 1783, a political cartoonist could illustrate farting, but was forbidden to say the word. The cartoon above is in reference to The Great Siege of Gibraltar (1779-1783), an attempt by the French and the Spanish to capture Gibraltar from the British who were distracted by the American War for Independence.

“I fart in your general direction!” – Monty Python & the Holy Grail 1975

[Image found here. Related post here. Other potty humor posts here.]


“Don’t worry Ma’am, I’m from the Internet.”

It’s brilliant. I’m guessing it’s a methane collector connected to a burner to provide lift to the parachute. I’d name the single-user gas-fired flying machine “Jack The Ripper.”

[Image w/caption found here.]

Saturday Matinee – Fartin’ Dancin’ Dogs, Howlin’ Wolf, CTA, RLJ,

My dog used to fart, look at me and leave, but of course that’s exactly what I did to him. Dogs are goofy, but they’re not stupid.

TechnoDog is techno.

Howlin’ Wolf, linked from here. He sang HARD.

Wowie zowie. Chicago Transit Authority, live in Japan in 1972 with crappy video gimmicks. Chicago was talented and underrated, but at least they brought horns back into rock and roll.  Later on, they became just another run-of-the-mill sappy woosband. Instead of this excellent jam…

…we ended up with “If you leave me now you’ll leave the very best part of me — oooOOOOhhno, baby please don’t go” garbage. Fuldkommen Gak.

Ricki Lee Jones got me going in the early 80’s with such a sultry sleazy hip coolness. She could have had me cheap. Hell, she could have had me quack. She could have had me, but she threw it all away, and I never looked back.