The Nutria Buyer

Louis Petre, a nutria buyer (ca. 1970). National Archives and Records Administration

Nutrias are bigass swamp rats and Mr. Petre was likely a fur trader in the 1970s before the rodent was classified as an invasive species in the U.S. Besides being environmentally destructive, nutrias are such prolific breeders that they outstripped the demand tor their fur, the nutria fur trade business collapsed, trapping and killing stopped… then their populations exploded.

[Photo found here. Video and more about nutrias here.]

Author: Bunk Strutts

Boogah Boogah.

13 thoughts on “The Nutria Buyer”

        1. A cult-status movie made from an archetype fairy tale book by William Goldman (with a possibly confusing fictional premise delivered with a straight face as fact ) orbiting around a storytelling session between father and son. Read the book first and then the movie.
          Oddly, Rob Reiner directed and did a fine job. His nuttiness did not intrude. A pleasant bit of storytelling.


  1. Outside of banana rats, nutria rats ranked up there with stuff I didnt want to run into.

    Nutria rats made their way up on the river and a few of the more “coon ass” tug boat dudes talked about eating that stuff once. Yeah, its just worth shooting. Beaver doesnt make much in China anymore and it is getting bad enough that they are given the dynamite treatment.


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