The .Gif Friday Post No. 860 – Dual Exhaust, An All-Terrainwreck & Intensified Mooing

[Found here and here, and I intensified the mooing from a .gif similar to this one.]

Author: Bunk Strutts

Boogah Boogah.

2 thoughts on “The .Gif Friday Post No. 860 – Dual Exhaust, An All-Terrainwreck & Intensified Mooing”

  1. The fan approach is unique… I would have set them on the table or a chair pointed at me, but that’s me. I had a small farm in Alabama and had a trailer much like that one that was in a hurry. I had a small commercial sized lawn tractor with a 6 foot wide mowing deck and I needed to take it in for servicing and hooked the trailer to my truck but forgot to latch the pin and when I was more than 3/4 of the way up on the ramp the weight shifted and the trailer pivoted with me almost on it and went for a ride until it hit a tree in the yard. There was not a thing I could do except hang on… while my wife laughed her ass off watching me.

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