No, you’re not gonna excrete several baked rectangular prisms of earthen material once your frontal lobes dissect this image and it’s not an offensive term for carnal knowlege of cognitive operations, but it’s still kinda cool.

[Link to original image lost. Crossposted here.]

Pay No Attention

stinky-people_Moonbattery 090526

Heh.  More photoshoppery please.

Email your best remake in . jpg format,  and we’ll assemble them for a future post for you to vote on your favorites.  Of course we’ll give you/your blog credit, endorsed with a link.  (Don’t have Photoshop?  It’s easily done with MS Paint; see below the break.)

Send your best shot to bunkstrutts at by 30 JUNE 2009 with the title “PROTEST” in the subject bar.  You know what to do. Keep it clean:  PG-13 max.

[Original undoctored image found here.  Pre-blanked out poster after the break.] Continue reading “Pay No Attention”

Iran Photoshops Missile Launch

Here is the Photoshopped version of Iran’s missile launch released this past week:

Here is the original undoctored image:

Any questions?

[Images from a site that is, um, no longer proper to link to.]