Saturday Matinee – Milton Friedman, The Knitts & The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band

I don’t like the title of this YouTube video at all because mocking young naïve idealistic Marxists is not a good way to explain basic economic principles and move them toward a rational frame of thought. On the other hand, this video illustrates the patience, sentience, and simple brilliance of the late Milton Friedman.


The Knitts. I like the sound. Kinda retro, kinda young, kinda wow. There’s hope for music after all.

This video annoys the hell out of me, but it’s kinda fun at the same time. Rev. Peyton’s Big Damn Band is Rev. Peyton-Guitar, Washboard Breezy Peyton-Washboard, Ben “Birddog” Bussell-drums.

Have a great weekend, folks. Be back here tomorrow for more really important worldly stuff.

Monday Morning Puzzle


The photo was taken after an earthquake in the Tottori Prefecture on October 21st, in a hotel owned by the Kishida family.

Cabinet with glass panels, earthquake-shifted valuable bowls.
Extract the bowls intact without breaking any glass.

There are some great solutions offered, like this one:

Open the cabinet door just enough to allow the nozzle of an expandable insulation foam canister. Fill up the cabinet with expansive foam, wait for it to set. Open the door and chip off the insulation with a screwdriver.

I don’t know who posted that solution, but it’s brilliant.

[Found here.]

Hot Links To Chu

Chu Berry Album Cover CHU

The Argument Of The Beard goes like this:

“…For if once a man indulges himself in murder, very soon he comes to think little of robbing; and from robbing he comes next to drinking and Sabbath-breaking, and from that to incivility and procrastination. Once [one] begin[s] upon this downward path, you never know where you are to stop. Many a man has dated his ruin from some murder or other that perhaps he thought little of at the time.”
–Thomas DeQuincey

Yet another way to win at Rock Paper Scissors.

It’s 11:22 according to the ferrofluid clock.

Mare brings horseyhubby a sammich [via].

Haka for Mr. Dawson Tamatea’s funeral.

Ever wondered what people do with clam saliva? Here you go.

BREAKING NEWS: The Antarctic ice cap is reportedly melting due to Anthropogenic Global Climate Change™. That means the temperature at the South Pole has risen at least 120 degrees Fahrenheit, and it’s all your fault. [More here]

Chu Berry & His Stompy Stevedores with “ChuBerry Jam” from 1937 [via].

The Crux


If you’ve never heard of or read Dr. Thomas Sowell, you’re missing out on one of the most brilliant minds since Milton Friedman. REALLY.

P.S. Don’t know why I didn’t do it before, but I’m adding Mr. Ka-Ching to the TR Blogroll. He’s got a lotta good stuff.

Saturday Matinee: Pure Logic = Brilliance.

Folks, for those of you not familiar with Milton Friedman, you’re in for a treat, as I was when I found these videos.  He’s not talking about politics here, but common sense economics.

What amazed me as I watched these videos is how easily Mr. Friedman understood the basic principles beneath apparently contradictory economic philosophies, and simplified/pared down the questions until the answers were obvious.

His extraordinary logic left both Phil Donahue and the liberal student in the dust;  I doubt that either one of them completely understood what Friedman said.

This is stuff that even Oprah fans can understand, but many in the US Congress either do not, or choose not to.  Our president is not stupid. He knows about the probable economic damage and is willing to forfeit his veto power  (just as he is willing to tell our enemies his war strategy, as he did today).  God help us.