Jen, Jen, Jen…

[All are my own except for the 2nd. The quote in blue is verbatim from a recent press conference.]

The .Gif Friday Post No. 550 – Socialism, Fascism & Communism

Socialism thwarts freedom of speech by arbitrarily redefining words and phrases under the specious guise of helping the downtrodden.

Fascism makes freedom of speech a crime punishable by incarceration.

Communism makes freedom of speech a crime punishable by death.

The only country in the world that has Freedom of Speech is the USA… so far.

[Found here, here and here.]

Ball Busting Hot Links

Party Cat.

Funny Gull.

Chickenado: “Trust me! I can get us out of here! This way!”

Antnado: “Army ants are one of the most efficient killing machines in the animal world.”

Buddy Hackett went out for a pizza.

Foster Brookes came in for a roast.

The walls are closing in. Pass it on.

Social Breakfast Media Club.

No reason those people should have not been wearing life jackets.

From the Economic Funnies Department:

Taxation is theft.”

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez explains economics in 39 seconds.

Ocasio-Cortez supporters discuss socialism.

Saw this message on a church sign recently:


[Top image from here.]

Totally Blasphemous Hot Links

Oopsies [via].

Ouch mouse.” lol.

Tear-able Cloth is kinda cool.

Catch ‘im! Catch ‘im, Daddy!

This should be an Olympic event.

There are no 1st Amendment Rights in the UK. #FREETOMMYROBINSON.

Motivational speech on growing up in the Boonies.

All you need to know about nephron capillary beds.

THIS woman is a feminist. THIS woman is not a feminist.

The Kit-Cat Klock is 85 years old this year. Yeah, I have one.

Rebecca Black on The Tim Conway Jr. Show. (Don’t remember her? She’s the girl whose 2011 YouTube video went viral.)

Woodpecker filled microwave antenna with a few acorns [via].

Got a notification from WordPress recently – I’m guilty of blasphemy. This innocent post has been censored in Pakistan after The شريعة Internet Police filed a complaint (yet they didn’t have a problem with this one.) Background story here.

[Top image found here.]

This kinda crap should piss you off.

The California Primaries are coming up on June 5th, the campaign flyers are filling up mail boxes in every neighborhood, and everyone is eyeballing the race for Governor except for those who aren’t.

California has “Open Primaries” which allows one to vote for any candidate regardless of one’s party affiliation, i.e., Democrats may vote for Republican candidates and vice-versa. Although it may sound reasonable to some, it has the potential to allow one political party to determine the nominee of the opposing party, which dilutes and undermines the credibility of election results. Getting the weaker candidate of the opposing party nominated is the game.

The race for California Governor is interesting this year, because there’s a chance, albeit remote, that the voters might wrest control from the incumbent socialists. The top four contenders as of 28 May are:

Gavin Newsom (D)
John Cox (R)
Antonio (aka Tony Villar) Villaraigosa (D)
Travis Allen (R).

Now back to the campaign flyers. Check this out.

That’s a typical flyer of half-truths and misinformation, but who paid for it?

Major funding from
Reed Hastings (Netflix CEO)
Eli Broad (NYC multi-billionaire, philanthropist, anti-2nd Amendment, pro-taxes)
Michael Bloomberg (ex-Mayor of New York City)

Note that the not-so-cleverly-embedded “Hillary Logo” attempts to equate John Cox to HRC. Pheeew.

California State Assemblyman Travis Allen is certainly qualified for the position of Governor, but he’s a long shot compared to John Cox, so why would people opposing Cox support Allen? Seems obvious.

[Sources: RealClear Politics 28 May 2018 and scan of an original mailer. Crossposted here.]

Scantily-Clad Hot Links


“You cannot take any people, of any color, and exempt them from the requirements of civilization — including work, behavioral standards, personal responsibility and all the other basic things that the clever intelligentsia disdain — without ruinous consequences to them and to society at large.”Dr. Thomas Sowell

Everyone who saw the Superb Owl L Half-Time Show with the abhorrent tribute to The Black Panthers must read this.

This is how you sing You Belong To Me.

How to excavate a buried VW Microbus Single Cab with some really annoying music.

R.I.P. Lenny Baker 1946-2016. Dennis Green passed on last September. The guys were talented.

U.S lice infestation map mirrors Hillary’s popularity. Go figger.

[At top is the cropped image of an Indian Kathakali artist by photographer Joshi Daniel.]

4 May 1970 Kent State – Remember Always

KSU Taylor Hall parking lot

Remember Always that this atrocity was planned and choreographed, not by students of Kent State University, not by the City of Kent Police Department, not by the Governor of Ohio, not by the Ohio National Guard, and not by the Nixon administration.

Many poor decisions were made by people in charge in the days leading up to this atrocity, but those who deliberately set up the scenario for purely political reasons are the ones who deserve the blame for the injuries and lives of innocents. Those people were self-identified socialists, fascists, communists and anarchists, and that’s not conjecture. The people who incited the violence freely admitted it, and were indeed proud of it.

They wanted it to happen, and they made it happen.

Kent State University was chosen, just like Ferguson Missouri was chosen, just like Baltimore Maryland was chosen.

Never forget.

[Related posts with links here. Image from here.]

THIS is abhorrent.

For all you young people who read this blog, the only thing you need to know about ObamaCare is that the US Congress exempted itself from having to participate. They are going to make you pay, big time.

“The Large Print giveth, and the Small Print taketh away.”
Tom Waits

As my own father is stuck in the red tape of the Veterans Administration bureaucracy, President Obama chose to shut down processing of veterans’ claims for purely political reasons. Anyone who’s ever dealt with the VA knows that it’s slow drudgery, but for the current Administration to stall it further is obscene.

This is not the fault of the GOP because Boehner & Co. have no control over the shut down of Federal facilities. This IS a political maneuver by President Obama  and Senate Majority Leader Reid to make it as painful to the American public as possible in order to pass the greatest tax increase in U.S. history, aka ObamaCare. To use US Veterans  as a political wedge is abhorrent and a  misuse of power.

Polls after polls show that the US public opposes force-fed progressive – collectivist programs  like ObamaCare by a huge margin. Is the Obama Administration claiming that over 2/3 of the US Populace are idiots?  Yes.

So we have an impasse. A fork in the road. Do we, as the Greatest Free Nation in the history of the world, cave in to socialism and let the rest of the civilized world fall to ruin, or do we hold our ground, backed by the US Constitution?

I suggest we choose the latter, and fight for it, just as our more enlightened ancestors did.  There is no acceptable alternative.

Click to access CDOC-110hdoc50.pdf

Chicks Dig Guys Who Vote

This election is going to determine the fate of Our Nation. Are we going to emulate failed European-style socialism, or are we going to stand up, get bureaucracy out of the way and let the free-market engine of prosperity take us and the rest of the civilized world out of the doldrums that we’ve experienced for the past four years? In sailing terms, the US economy is in irons, and it shouldn’t have to be this way.

The very people who caused this geopolitical financial mess claim that people like me who oppose the economic self-destruction of this Great Country are racist homophobic women-haters, anti-science, knuckle-dragging drooling cavemen who want to destroy the environment and eat your babies in front of your God Denying Eyes. If you believe any of that crap you have no credible reason to vote.

By definition I’m a liberal. I want to change things. I want to elect officials who are fiscally conservative, morally sound, and who will protect our nation and allies from danger, both here and abroad, regardless of party affiliation. The Democrat Party offers none of that today, only lies, smears, cheap shots and half-truths. Throw the bastards out tomorrow.

The Chicks will dig you.
