4 May 1970 Kent State – Remember Always

KSU Taylor Hall parking lot

Remember Always that this atrocity was planned and choreographed, not by students of Kent State University, not by the City of Kent Police Department, not by the Governor of Ohio, not by the Ohio National Guard, and not by the Nixon administration.

Many poor decisions were made by people in charge in the days leading up to this atrocity, but those who deliberately set up the scenario for purely political reasons are the ones who deserve the blame for the injuries and lives of innocents. Those people were self-identified socialists, fascists, communists and anarchists, and that’s not conjecture. The people who incited the violence freely admitted it, and were indeed proud of it.

They wanted it to happen, and they made it happen.

Kent State University was chosen, just like Ferguson Missouri was chosen, just like Baltimore Maryland was chosen.

Never forget.

[Related posts with links here. Image from here.]