Saturday Matinee – Goose Parade, Bimbo’s Initiation, Jurassic Snark, Kitty Town, Allman Bros.

[Found here.]

Bimbo was Betty Boop’s boyfriend/dog pal back when Betty was still a dog in a miniskirt. (Note that Mickey Mouse shows up to mess with Bimbo at 00:28. The Fleisher Bros. were Disney’s closest competitor in the animation business at the time.)

The Best Of Jurassic Park That You Don’t Recall. [via]

Welcome to Kitty Town.

The Allman Brothers’ “Jessica” is one of the great country rock jams. Seems appropriate, since I’ve got a bit of traveling coming up next week.

Have a great weekend, folks, and be back here tomorrow for more hot muffins from the internest.

Author: Bunk Strutts

Boogah Boogah.

2 thoughts on “Saturday Matinee – Goose Parade, Bimbo’s Initiation, Jurassic Snark, Kitty Town, Allman Bros.”

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