Cephalopods: Cats of the Deep


New York, NY (Strutts News Services) –   Thursday,  Whoopie Goldberg, Barbara Walters, Joy Behar and Sherri Shepard (while berating Elizabeth Hasselbeck for daring to argue logic and common sense) were approached by a creature of superior intelligence from the studio audience of “The View,” and didn’t even notice.  All suffered severe palp scrapes and abrasions. No beak bites were reported. Film at 11.


It’s intuitively obvious to the casual observer that this stuff really works. Just one drop and you’re free from you-know-what. I don’t need it, but I bet YOU do…


And if the Magic CephaloDrops don’t work, RIDE ‘EM! The danger is you gotta break ’em first. Teach ’em to stay on the track.


Mr. Bittman has absolutely no respect for the sentient.  He’s just asking for a double-palp smackdown, right square in his crackerbockles.


Ignore the misspelling and the erroneous apostrophe, and the fact that a large octopus could easily kick a moray eel’s ass. It’s still a cool sketch.

[Lots more VERY COOL cephalopodia HERE. Related posts here, here and here. Oh, yeah, and here.]


Seriously dead predator of the deep in preparation for the New Zealand Calamari Festival.

This Colossal Squid, caught in 2003, has been thawed and is being professionally dissected by The Society of Professional Squid Dissectors (TSPSD).  Video is promised by the second link below.

Tentacle clubs with swiveling hooks.

Mid-arm suckers and hook.

Squid Beak.
Prolly capable of cracking macadamia nuts if it wanted to.

[Appropriately enough, the source is Inky Circus; Images and captions in italics from The Museum of New Zealand. Related cephalopod posts here and  here.  Oh, yeah, and here, too.]

Rubik’s Cephalopod

Dorset, UK (Strutts News Services) – British scientists on an after-hours bender decided that the world needs to know if octopi are ambidextrous or prefer one tentacle over the rest.  The problem was to decide on a procedure.

If they’re so bloody smart, LET’S GIVE THE SLIMY BASTARDS RUBIK’S CUBES!” blurted one, and after another round of scrumpy, the panel agreed.

Once they recovered from their collective hangovers, they collected 25 octopi and 25 Rubik’s Cubes and let the games begin.  Scientist Bonnie Phumph of the Sea Life Centre in Weymouth, Dorset, remarked, “It’ll be very interesting to see the results,” apparently referring to the government research grant money.

No news yet on the success of the cephalopod subjects’ cerebral solutions, although an early leaked report indicates that two of the tentacled brainiacs peeled off the colored labels in frustration, and a third dismantled its Cube and cracked the smaller cubes into fragments.

[Image and original story from here.  Related posts here, here and here.]


Saturday Matinee – TSAHB, Weezer, Hagan & Stuff

Vambo Rool, OKAY! The very underrated proto-punk Sensational Alex Harvey Band had very few early videos posted when we posted this link months ago, but they’ve been breeding ever since.

Bunky had the opportunity to see these babosos live in the ’70s, but couldn’t afford the tickets.

Yeah, I know. “This Little Piggy Went Viral.” I had Weezer in the queue since last year so I might as well post it anyway, just in case some of you hadn’t seen it. All it’s missing is the skateboarding dog.

Earle H. Hagen died this week. He was the composer (and the whistler) of the “Andy Griffith Show” theme song, among others. [Cool yet disrespectful cockatiel Utoobage linky here.]

How they make cartoons (1930).

Octopus Action video. Crabs don’t have a chance, even with a nice soundtrack.

Can’t have too many octopus videos in a single post, so here you go.

[Weezer Utoobage via the winsome and completely awesome Miss Cellanea. Others found by orchestrated accident.]

It’s National Wash Your Cephalopod Day


Springtime is here, or almost is, and something about this photo fascinates and disgusts me at the same time, kinda like goth/emo laundry. I’m not sure if these are squid or octopi, but either way something just isn’t right. Obviously they’re being dried for either food or rain gear, but these sentient denizens of the deep don’t deserve to be humiliated like this.

This image has been lounging around in our “What to Do With This” file for a long time, way before we began tagging the images with their sources. We’d be happy to post the real story if only our crack team of webminers could determine the original source. Comments?

[Welcome Ectoplasmosis readers! If you liked these octopi, you might like the RoboSquid. Feel free to crawl slither hydropropel yourselves around here as long as you want. Just leave a trail of bread crumbs slime crab shells to find your way back.]

[Ditto to Tonmo & WHI readers!]

[UPDATE 22 March 08: ORIGINAL SOURCE HERE! (via here).  Our crack team of webminers just got an extension on their contracts.]



Excellent example of nature taking care of itself. This creature is in charge of making sure that the ocean doesn’t back up when it flushes itself periodically.

[Image from Dark Roasted Blend. DRB has WAY too many excellent images. Go there and get lost for a couple days. Just make sure you leave some breadcrumbs so you can find your way back, and tell me what you saw.]