The First Del Taco, Yermo, California

“Ed Hackbarth and David Jameson opened the first Del Taco in Yermo, CA in 1964. With a menu of 19¢ tacos, tostadas, fries and 24¢ cheeseburgers, Del Taco brought in $169 in sales on its first day in business – the equivalent of 900 tacos.”

Seems that the Del Taco pictured above opened in 1961, predating the one that opened in Barstow in 1964. It was originally named “House of the Taco,” er, um, “Casa del Taco.”

$169 in 1961 is about $1,500 in 2020 dollars. Not a bad first day.

[Image found here, caption here.]

UPDATE: Ed Hackbarth Jr. points out that Dave Jameson had nothing to do with the Del Taco Yermo. He joined Ed Hackbarth later 1964-65, opening the Del Taco in Corona CA. – Thanks, Ed.