TGIF: The .gif Friday Post 21 – MoonDance


Whoa. Time flies. I remember that night vividly.

This .gif shows why we earthlings can see more than half of our moon’s surface. (The moon wobbles in its orbit.)

[Source of that excellent .gif cue ball roll is via NASA.]

The .Gif Friday Post 20 – NomNomNom


She’ll never finish it.

[That NomNomNom is from here.]


He’ll never finish it either.

[This NomNomNom is from here]

Folks– Seems this site gets a lotta hits from the TGIF posts. Our crack webminers have been instructed to tag sources, including .gif animations, so that we may give credit to the original authors. Some of our older posts remain un-tagged, so if any readers recobanize posts that ought to be rightly credited, please forward comments or links and we’ll give credit where credit is due.

For example, the original author of this .gif is in demand. I believe he’s in the U.K. and has a number of other excellent animations on his website… but the link has been lost, even though I looked behind the couch. Lemme know if you find it, and we’ll post it. —Bunk

[Update 27 Sept 08: Author found! Looky here.]

The .Gif Friday Post No. 19 – Sky Diving


Bunky went skydiving only once. Fortunately I had a camcorder strapped to my helmet to record the entire episode. Unfortunately, my ‘chute didn’t open. Watch the entire clip, then I’ll tell you how it ended.

TGIF: The .gif Friday Post 18 – Dead Karl


I’ve never seen a .gif animation as sophisticated as this one, at least not since, but there must be others as this is #3 in a series. (Please don’t expect us to post this kind of quality every Friday… we can’t!)

[Anyone have the original source for this one? We’d like to give credit.  Also, the Caption Contest is still on.]

TGIF: The .gif Friday Post 16: Crispness is Clumping…

“Crispness is clumping, the geezer’s got a flat; Won chew fleas butter Penny Inn anode man sat.”



TGIF: The .gif Friday Post 15 – “But, Ma-awm!”


“Why won’t you come when your sister calls?!”
“Why won’t you come when your sister calls?!”
“Why won’t you come when your sister calls?!”

[Whoa. Fractals. Related post here, .gif image from here.]

TGIF: The .gif Friday Post 14 -“BUNKEEE! NOW!”


“Hey Bunk! I think you gotta go!”
“Naw. Ignore her, it’s just my sister.”

[…to be continued…]

TGIF: The .gif Friday Post 13: Staring Contest


“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (DON’T BLINK) 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13…”

[You blinked. The guy is a quality control engineer for this.]

The .Gif Friday Post No. 12: Bowling


Don’t try this at home. Try it in front of hundreds of people during a televised tournament. (Be sure and replace your divot.) Then eat at Denny’s.