Humicubational Hot Links

Manhunt, Frank Weir and his Werewolves (1962) A dark suspect is spotted by a posse of rodeo clowns riding Shetland ponies and the manhunt is on. British orchestra leader Frank Weir had several hits during his career, but this tune wasn’t one of them.

The Painting.

Gator chomps it.

This is Awesome.

This is Pure Awesome.

This is Pure Trolling Awesome.

Not everyone wanted to be a Pepper.

Intro to Facebook 2009 – a commentary.

Hydraulic Press Girl [via Memo Of The Air].

And just where do you think you’re going?”

Remember those three circles [h/t Bunkerville].

I get email notifications whenever we get a new follower, and Admiral Bill made my day.

[Top image: The Cheetle. Story here, h/t Nate L.]

From the Archives: 1 year ago. 5 years ago. 10 years ago.