The Hotlinks Next Door

Too stupid not to share.
Slow to load; worth it for the lulz.

Penn Gillette speaks about charity, government and God.

Bizarre: Spammer arrested in Montreal.

Do Not Click This Link, especially if your speakers are turned on.

How to draw The Simpsons by a Simpsons Artist.

In Ten Words is a nice theme blog. Ten words max per post.

What kind of man follows Tacky Raccoons? Dan dances with dogs, but also shreds the blues.

Attack Waaaaatch!  Can you imagine the msm outcry if any GOP candidate put up a website like that? The whole Big Brother concept of “Attack Watch” is so ill-conceived and smarmy, I’m stunned that Obama’s reelection campaign staff would even consider such a bone headed stunt. Regardless of your own political affiliation, you’ve got to admit that the video is funny.

Our cat just hacked up a fur ball, and dissed the President:
“Brak. Braaak. Barrrraaack!” I’m gonna snitch.