Comfy DIY Mobile Home

Mobile Home 1

Very cool. The link shows solar panels on the roof for electrical, and there appears to be a wood-burning stove sitting on a piece of slate for heat, but the proximity of the unprotected wood surrounding it looks a bit iffy. Cooking range/oven must have a propane tank hidden somewhere, and it looks like they’ve got a decent sound system for roadtrips – two tweeters, two midrange and one bass. Two important things are missing from the photos, but it looks like they’re combined and adjacent to the rear entry. Somewhere there’s a potable water tank.

Due to the weight of the wood framing and all the accoutrements, this vehicle is too heavy and slow to get much gas mileage, but so what. It’s got good food, good tunes,  good looks, and it sure as hell beats this and this. Better than a dorm room.

[Found here. Click for larger images.]


The original 25 images came from a google search for “butthead,” which is my honest opinion of the OccuPoopage. What a waste of, um, you know, ah, nevermind.

(Copy and paste everywhere and anywhere you see fit.)