Earth Day 2015

Happy Earth Day

Yep, it’s time again to swab out your car’s tailpipe, cut off the electricity, raise the garage door by hand and pee in the back yard… in the dark.

Whatta buncha ineffectual misdirected feel-good ignorant hoo-hah.

[Rightclick the image, copy & paste, and share it. It’s my opinion and it’s very very true. –Bunk]

*Poof* You’re a hoagy.

[via RSM]
Hard to tell who she’s addressing with that sign while waddling in a parade of fugliness. I guess one of the other javelinas demanded a snack and Ms. Cerdita Hambrienta was having none of it, perhaps because the L.A. “We Have Vajayjays And You Don’t” protest march had yet to make it to the trough.

[Crossposted here.]


The original 25 images came from a google search for “butthead,” which is my honest opinion of the OccuPoopage. What a waste of, um, you know, ah, nevermind.

(Copy and paste everywhere and anywhere you see fit.)

Wall Street Anti-Capitalism Protester FAIL

How much capitalism can an anti-capitalist use in one photo? Capitalism sucks!! Umm, except Facebook. And Diet Snapple. Toshiba laptops. Trendy bikes. Bottled water…


[Update: This breaks it down. h/t LC Aggie Sith]