Draw Mohammed Day – 20 May 2010

Don’t know what this is all about? Hint: 1st Amendment, foreign-imposed censorship and imposition of world-wide sharia law. Click here and follow the links. Related googlesearch here. We cannot and should not kowtow to radicals of ANY nation or religion PERIOD. –Bunk

UPDATE 3 October 2021: Swedish artist who survived two murder attempts after drawing a cartoon of the Muslim Prophet Mohammed has died in a horror car crash. Lars Vilks, 75, was killed Sunday when the police car he was traveling in veered onto the wrong side of the road and collided with a truck. [LINK]

Author: Bunk Strutts

Boogah Boogah.

13 thoughts on “Draw Mohammed Day – 20 May 2010”

  1. A commenter on my blog informs me that Facebook has taken down the Page. Because Zuckberg would rather capitulate to the repressionistic fascists than have his Farmville revenue from Pakistan interrupted.


  2. Folks– Been busy with things that shouldn’t be keeping me busy, but no fatwas in my inbox yet.

    rain– Pissants show themselves by being pissants. I posted your cache for safekeeping at the Blogmocracy. Even if my system crashes, there’s at least one baboso over there that captured it and stuck it in his sock drawer.

    plane– Find a 12-foot long bamboo pole, hoist up the shirt, and direct traffic. After all, that’s what it was meant for.

    coop– Your contribution was excellent IMO.

    gallop– Saw ’em. You’re awesome.

    plane– Send a pic of the shirt in traffic. Outside. In the traffic outside. Nearby outside, but not in the middle of the street.


  3. ===========================================

    The Old Man And The Cartoon.

    Once upon a time,
    in a country small, up north,
    near close to sea and fjord,
    so peaceful and pleasantly agreeable,
    there lived an innocent and friendly old man
    who loved to draw cartoons to express his thought.

    He looked out upon the great, wide, wonderful world,
    and to his amazement found religious strife and killings
    practiced by people called Muslims.

    Living, as he did, among fellow, open-minded citizens
    who valued human life and human values above all else,
    he decided to draw the prophet of Islam in a cartoon.

    The image which appeared, like magic, on his paper,
    was of the prophet’s head wrapped in a turban,
    and in the turban rested a round, black, lit bomb.

    People first thought the prophet was about to commit suicide,
    but, after contemplating the drawing for awhile,
    it became apparent some other meaning might be hidden.

    Some of the believers of the religion called Islam,
    lived in the small country, up north,
    and when they saw the cartoon of their beloved prophet
    depicted in such a blasphemous manner,
    thought it might be a good idea to show the cartoon
    to other followers of their beloved, peaceful religion.

    They set upon a journey to countries far away in the big world,
    where they soon found other adherents of their religion.
    Together they decided the cartoon might be of use
    to incite hatred of the heathens, up north,
    and so it came to pass,
    dear children,
    that masses of Muslims went out to burn and kill.

    They wanted to show the small, peaceful country,
    up north,
    that people, of different faiths and opinions on life,
    had better temper their freedom to think, talk, and act,
    ‘cause if they didn’t,
    the prophet’s holy men and warriors would come after them.

    The religious leaders of Islam pronounced that the old man
    should die for having drawn their prophet in unflattering light,
    and he had to go into hiding from the theistic thugs hot on his trail.

    The old man survived for several years,
    and one day he got an invitation to travel to a big country
    on the other side of the ocean.

    It appeared that certain folks, over there, in America,
    wished to hear the tale of the old man and his cartoon.
    He learned that in America many different people and religions
    co-existed mostly in peace,
    and that America might be a safe place to show himself.

    When he arrived,
    he learned that many people were afraid of him and his cartoon,
    and that only a very few newspapers and television-stations
    had dared show the cartoon to their viewers.

    He realized that many inhabitants of America
    were somewhat immature in their intellectual convictions,
    and had to be protected from their own mental habits
    by not being exposed to certain images and words.

    The old man thought it humorous that editors of print and image
    would tow the line of a mentally unstable person and his believers;
    after all, weren’t these moderns atheists, Christians, Jews, or Other?

    He went on to be interviewed by reporters and T.V. personalities,
    and soon found out that the believers of Christianity and Judaism,
    in particular, showed support for the old man and his cartoon,
    some even calling him a hero and fighter for freedom of expression.

    Being an old and wise man, he knew they supported him
    because various religions tend to dislike each other,
    and by praising the old man, could gain support for their own religion.

    This type of behavior of conversion, dear children,
    has been playing-out for many, many centuries…
    ever since the so-called prophets of religion
    suffered their psychotic episodes of hallucinations and visions
    to be imposed on the rest of the world.

    Once upon a time,
    in a country small, up north,
    near close to sea and fjord,
    an old man drew a cartoon of a prophet’s head with a lit bomb in his turban,
    and guess what, children,
    nobody knew that beneath the big, black, lit bomb,
    there nested many little bomblets waiting to go out in the big, wide world
    to spread the good words and news about Islam.

    Good night, children, and sleep well.



  4. j.p.– Interesting story. Strangely enough, the islamic extremist Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who called for protests throughout the muslim world, had never even seen the cartoons. “Bloody Cartoons,” a documentary on the event, found this as well:

    This 72-year old man is instructing the Basij forces of the revolutionary guard to attack the Danish embassy. Reporter Karsten Kjaer finds him in a town outside Teheran, and contrary to all the official figures the guy is honest.
    ‘We heard that the Prophet had been insulted, so in a letter to the Danish ambassador we demanded that the Danish government punish the offenders and apologize,’ he explains.
    ‘But did you see the cartoons?’
    ‘No, I did not.’
    When he is presented with the cartoon showing Mohammed with a bomb in his turban he replies.
    ‘Is this Mohammed? He doesn’t look like the prophet. He is an Indian Sikh.’


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