Saturday Matinee – Marcus Armitage (That Yorkshire Sound), Witchita Trip, Los Straitjackets & Sue Foley

“A hand drawn animated documentary, following the rhythms of a day in Yorkshire. It captures the sound of Yorkshire, from its multicultural and bustling cities like Bradford and Sheffield, to the delicate sounds of birds in the country side and the hypnotic rhythm of the motorways and train tracks.”

That Yorkshire Sound by Marcus Armitage [h/t Nag on the Lake].

In 2014, Witchita Trip covered Conway Twitty & Loretta Lynn:
“Ya, it has a better groove. That’s Wichita Trip. The two singers and I have played together for about 15 years. There’s no country bars so we end up playing with rockabilly and blues bands, it’s not a great fit. Barb and Rupert have been singing together for about 30 years.”Gorehound, guitarist

Los Straitjackets play definitive roadtrip cruisin’ music and more.
“The funny thing about this band is when the band started I thought it was just going to be for fun,” says founding guitarist Eddie Angel. “I thought we’d play once a month in Nashville and our friends would come out and laugh at us. Ironically, all the other bands I was in, the ones I took seriously, crashed and burned and the one I thought was just for fun became my job.” – Houston Press
[h/t Taminatorpgh]

Austin blues rocker Sue Foley plays one mean Texas shuffle.

Been a short week all around for me, starting with Memorial Day on Monday, then waking up on Friday convinced it was Saturday until about 3pm, so  I got two 3-day weekends in a row by accident. See you on the porch around the crack of noon and well discuss time travel.

Author: Bunk Strutts

Boogah Boogah.

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