Not gonna go there.

Take a dump with two kids, a turtle, a skunk, a frog, and a little something extra:

[Pottie Pals found here.]

“Mom updated her Last Will & Testament and we’re back in. Let’s take take her to the beach.”


[Found here.]

The .Gif Friday Post No.316 – Touch The Nut, Donut Porn & Hot Velour

Touching The Nut

Donut Porn

My Old Flame

[Found here, here and here.]

Grandma’s Snakes

Pinkard & Bowden’s “Everybody Shake A Snake” seems irreverently fitting, and they’re both going to h-e-double-hockey sticks for it.

[Images from here.]

[Insert Surferspeak Here]


This embarrasses me… Not for her, but that someone actually designed and built that P.O.S. backdrop, with the lime jello wave and the cauliflower/Pearl Harbor bombing sky, and took some of her retirement money for the photo.  Some people have no shame, and I wish I’d thought of it first. (Is that Corky Carroll’s mom?)