The .Gif Friday Post No. 687 – Puzzled Pigeon, Bored Boa & Pizza Problem

[Found here, here and here. Snake courtesy of Nate L.]

The .Gif Friday Post No. 622 – This Cat’s A Jerk, Guardrail Fail & Mr. Weaver

[Found  here, here and here.]

The .Gif Friday Post No. 489 – Art Aficionado, Face Flash & Pearl Girl

[Found here, here and here.]

The Friday .GIF Post No. 470 – Tech Support, Frozen Turntable & Cold Night Roadtrip




[Found here, here and here.]



“What Once Was Lost, But Now is Found…”

Yeah, I know those aren’t the words. If I dropped my wallet in there, I’d fish it out for sure, but not this way. But a cell-phone? Amazing Grace is gonna get crappy reception from now on.

Then there’s Dad… got up outta bed with his chonies and black socks, got shoes on, and hung his daughter head first into the latrine to help her retrieve an overrated electronic device that she’s gonna put next to her mouth the first chance she gets to describe to her best Oprah-watching confidant how she stupidly mistook the cellphone for the Spiegel catalogue and it dropped into the cess and now the battery’s dead and [you go girl.].

[Photo series via Liver.]