How fast can YOU run up the stairs?

Stairway to WTF

[Stairway to WTF found here.]

Hot ‘Lanta in May

Hot Lanta

On May 11-12, 1997, NASA used a specially outfitted Lear Jet to collect thermal data on metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia. Nicknamed “Hot-Lanta” by some of its residents, the city saw daytime air temperatures of only about 26.7 degrees Celsius (80 degrees Fahrenheit) on those days, but some of its surface temperatures soared to 47.8 degrees Celsius (118 degrees Fahrenheit). In this image, blue shows cool temperatures and red shows warm temperatures. Pockets of especially hot temperatures appear in white.

50 degrees Celsius = 120 degrees Fahrenheit = flat roof temperature. The red zone looks to be about 30C = 86F, but these are surface temperatures. The 1997 survey recorded air temperatures of 80 F – exactly the average high temp for May for Atlanta. Cool.

In other words, it’s a peachy image of normal surface temperatures for the city.

[Found here, which links to story here.]

Indricotheria In The Wild

Indricotheria Stalking

Los Culos, California (Strutts News Services)
Caught on camera near midnight and under a full moon, an unsuspecting Hasínai girl hunts for edible mollusks in the traditional way – with her toes. A mature Indricotherium silently stalked until startled by the flash of the camera strobes and disappeared back into the deep with a grunt and a splash. The girl escaped unharmed.

[Found in here. Related posts here and here.]

Happy New Year’s Eve, Peeps!

tacky raccoons be crawlin

It’s the end of another year says Captain Obvious, and we’d like to thank those who took precious minutes out of their lives to visit Tacky  Raccoons. We don’t know who you are, but we know where you live. You’re good peeps.

Although this place isn’t really a forum-type site, the occasional comments remind us that we’re not alone in the half-vast blogosphere.

Amy Oops, andBerlin, Arend Maatkamp, Ashraf, azmrmacs, Barbara Swarm, bob-decco, Bunkessa, Bunkarina, Calo, Catherine Andronik, Chiqui, da_truth6, da_truth36, Dale Weeks, Dan Johanson, David (1), David (2), devilintheflesh, df’s puddy tat, doriangrey1, Dr. N. Igma, edrevets, EmmetEarwax, Eni Lidiaw, G Eagle Esq, Gabriel, Guy in Ohio, hahabuda, idiotprufs, Ispeakjive, istillgotmyguitar, Jane, Jeremy, Jimmy, joanne casey, joe, John M., Jose Galofre Manero-SPAIN_europe, justanotherinsignificant, Kay Jessica Critchfield, kdub, LC Aggie Sith, Leeuna Foster, Lemur King, Lily, M. Hassan, macduffer1, Macker, ~mari, mfhorn, midnightvisitor, Mike, Mrmacs, myworldlyobsessions, nonoymanga, nursemyra, Nul ptyx, Pasties, PetsLady, planetross, raincoaster, RazoR Burnes, RisingPhoenix, Rocket, ryankane, scot, site, Soylent Green, Stan, Stephen Brooke, taylorjorjorian, thechildhoodhero, theliteraryhorse, The Necromancer, The Iatrophobe, theuglymoose, The Watcher, Tony Convey, Tony McGurk, VE, Wheels, W. R. Woolf & yourmotherhere.

Happy New Year, folks. Wish you the best. — Bunk

Australia Blackout Dexember 2012

Australia Blackout 2012

(West Poondongwalla, Australia) – Strutts News Services

Only the wealthiest of the wealthy were able to keep their lights on when the entire power grid of Australia failed just days ago, and no one knows why the continent now glows blue. Some locals blame global warming, while others point accusatory fingers at The Mayans for their probably prophetic Calendar of Doom that caused the utility companies of Oz to hit Ctrl-Alt-Delete simultaneously and just for the hell of it.

In any case, the well-to-do panicked wisely and moved inland to avoid the rising seas that subsequently swamped the coastal regions.

[There’s more info here that can’t possibly be true. Related post here.]

Occupy Grandma In Camo

Zuccotti Park Sept 2012. Found here.

“Hi Gramma! I Made You a Lamp!”

“Gramma, I know that you and Grampa escaped the old country without shoes, but capitalism is evil, so I made you a lamp to show you how wrong you were to leave.” –Overheard at Zuccotti Park September 2012.

[Image found here. Quote was entirely fabricated only because #OWS is entirely fabricated.]

Rhinoceros Gives Birth To 16 Year Old Chinese Girl

A Chinese girl poses for fun with a 3D painting at an art exhibition in Jiaxing city in east China’s Zhejiang province.

[Found here. Rhino Archive here.]

5 TACKY YEARS! Top 11 Posts for 2012

How’s it feel to be a Green Dot? That’s right, one of those little World Peas is just for you. View the Live Map here. It will display little blinkies that show you who else is here, and it’s anonymous. (We’re at the ass end of the US, just in case you were wondering.)

It’s intuitively obvious to the casual observer that we’re on the verge of taking over the world, so be content in the knowledge that you have assisted with the conquest.

We added an online store and a widget that sort of links to another online store. WorpDress now allows adverts, and they also allow PayPal Tip Jars, so we added that as well. Has any of it paid off? Nah.

We’ve featured the Top Posts for each year since we started in 2007. The numbers indicate this year’s ranking followed by last year’s, and we’ve added a third for all-time ranking (2012/2011/All-Time Rank).  NR indicates Not Ranked.

Click on any image and it’ll take you to the original post.

No. 11/nr – Popeye Dead at 108

No. 10/nr – Mickey Possum has a good attitude.

No. 9/nr – The .Gif Friday Post No.104 – Catsup

No. 8/nr – Babe Cannon

No. 7/2/5 – Amy’s Motivational Poster Collection

No. 6/7/8 – Giant Woolly Bear Caterpillar Discovered Near Las Cruces, NM, Predicts Global Warming for Decades to Come

No. 5/nr – 10/10/10 10:10:10

No. 4/nr – 10:11:10 11/10/11

No. 3/nr – Possum Haiku

No. 2/1/4 – Capybara Lapwarmer


The .Gif Friday Post No.93 – Cat Fish Robot Jam

It scored at No. 6 in 2011, and it’s at No. 7 on the 5-Year popularity ranking.

We plan to keep going with this baboso unless it becomes a chore, but considering all the fun stuff we’ve found just to keep our self-imposed goal of One Post Per Day, it looks like we’ll be around a while. Cheers!