The .Gif Friday Post No. 833 – 6 Puppies Wreathing, Frosty Goes Thumpity & 9 Kittens Sleeping

[Found here, here and here.]

The .Gif Post No.521 – Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, Bossy & The Snowflakes & A Turtle Hat

[Found here, here and here.]

The .Gif Friday Post No. 492 – Cat Rank, Pink Shag Carpet Runner & Dog Dreams

[Found here, here and here.]

Dream Girl With A Red Purse

“Oh hi! Um, nice to see you here. I’d like to stay and talk and all, er, well, ah, please excuse me, but I’ve got some urgent business to attend to…”

[Found here.]

Odd Stuff from Long Ago

Don’t even ask what this is all about. Long story, but they’re all my doodles. The first person who asks about the orange slippers and how they suddenly appeared gets banned from this site for being a smartass.

[Previously posted here.]

This Can Happen to YOU.


You’re driving along a secluded roadway with your older brother’s girlfriend and you find yourself surrounded by magical red bricks, hovering around your vintage 1948 Eelmobile.

A plaid alligator materializes in the rear seat and a coon hound jumps out of your hat.  A phantom image of Franklin Delano Roosevelt swallowing a large jalapeno appears behind you, follows for a while, but vanishes before you have time to take notice. The speaker under the perforated dashboard blasts The Ramones to the rearview mirror above.

Meanwhile, the  lights at 53rd Street and Third Avenue have stuck on green, causing mass confusion to pedestrians and vehicles.

At 57.4 mph, you, your brother’s babe and your bitchin’ ride are transported over the intersection, ten stories up, easily clearing the parapet of the L. Foosers Paperclips Building while the magic bricks swarm like mad rectangular prism hornets.

That’s when I usually wake up.

[Image from here via here.]