Happy New Year Hot Links

Auld Lang Syne Boogie, Freddie Mitchell Orchestra (1949) The Freddie Mitchell Orchestra (aka Hen Gates & His House Rockers, Hen Gates & His Gators) features Mitchell on sax and Rip Harrigan on piano.

“For years the rumor was that Hen Gates and His Gaters were in fact the Dizzy Gillespie band. In fact Hen Gates is Freddie Mitchell and the tracks on the album credited to them, Lets All Dance To Rock And Roll, are simply old Derby masters given new titles. When Derby filed for bankruptcy in 1954, Freddie Mitchell masters had been sold cheaply and had already been reissued on several labels before they turned up on Masterseal who thought they could pull a fast one and pass them off as tracks recorded by Hen Gates and His Gators who, according to the LP sleevenotes, were ‘a group of talented young Rock ‘N Roll musicians.’ ” [Source]

Oh Kenneth.

A bit of snow.

The 80s called.

Nine baby carrots.

Pikas aren’t doomed.

A bird of many colors.

1. Sound up. 2. Be amazed.

The Gratitude of the Pious.

Kaiser-Fraser plans ahead.

Trippy water photography.

The David Hasselhoff Museum.

The Institute of Nomadic Architecture. [h/t eaglesoars]

“We’re out of projects. What do you want to work on, Bob?”

“Well, Jim, I was just thinking…” Twelve months later...

The Freezer Bowl of 1981 was the coldest game in NFL history.

January 1 2023 is Public Domain Day. Copyrighted works from 1927 will enter the US public domain [via Mme. Jujujive].

Tom Leher has relinquished all copyright restrictions to his music and lyrics, and they are free to download at his website [via Memo Of The Air].

Just added a new archive category: Raccoon Stuff.
Don’t know how I missed it after all these years.

[Top image found here, h/t Gord S.]

From the Archives: 1 year ago. 5 years ago. 10 years ago.

Hugo Gernsback’s Contribution To The World: The 1925 Isolator

"The greatest difficulty that the human mind has to contend with is lack of concentration, mainly due to outside influences.

If, by one stroke, we can do away with these influences, we will not only be benefitted greatly thereby, but our work would be accomplished more quickly and the results would be vastly better.


It will be noted that the glass windows directly in front of the eyes are black. The construction involved the use of ordinary window glass, the outer glass being painted entirely black. Two small white lines were scratched into the paint, as shown. The idea of this is as follows:

The writer thought that shutting out the noises was not sufficient. The eye would still wander around, thereby distracting attention. By having the two white lines scratched on the glass, the field through which the eye can move is comparatively small."

Prescient satirical concept… or perhaps he was serious:

According to [Steve Silberman, author of NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity, 2015] Gernsback himself may have been “an undiagnosed Aspergian”: “His peers regarded him as an unsociable figure who remained coolly distant from the communities he created. The people he counted as friends tended to be prominent scientists, influential politicians, and other notable figures with whom he corresponded by mail; historian James Gunn observed in Alternate Worlds that he was ‘a strange mixture of personal reserve and aggressive salesmanship’.

Silberman refers to the Isolator in particular as Gernsback’s “most blatantly autistic creation”.

Read the full description of The Isolator from the July 1925 edition of Science and Invention.

The Hugo Awards were named after Hugo Gernsback, who is regarded as “The Father of Science Fiction”.

[Found here.]

The .Gif Post No.521 – Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, Bossy & The Snowflakes & A Turtle Hat

[Found here, here and here.]

This is the Dawning Of The Age Of Aquariums, Age Of Aquariums… Aaaah… Aquariums!

Aquarium Head

Harmony and understanding. [Found here.]

Casque Carnivore

Casque Carnivore

Not sure which is more disturbing – the helmet or the head on the long neck wearing it.

As offered on Etsy:

A coveted treasure. This thick, red, felt, vintage riding cap was taken to the heights of head couture as I adorned it with huge German glass doll eyes, paint, a rare mix of feathers, a silky ponytail extension attached with scraps from a favourite old shirt covered with vintage pins and then … REAL horse teeth! A one of a kind creation. Just shot for a magazine editorial. This piece will turn heads at events or would also be a stunning addition in your home to your art collection. A total conversation piece.

[Found in here.]

Thank You Random Citizen.

Thank You Random Citizen

We don’t often post pre-captioned funnies, but we’ll make an exception for this one because he’s got a good confident attitude, his girlfriend is hot, and he made a drive-up window employee smile.
[Found in here.]