Stuff I Do When I’m Bored

Stuff I Do When I’m Bored

Stuff I Do When I’m Bored


Mostly impulsive stuff previously posted elsewhere, including Toshi & Toshita in a glass in a bowl. And yeah, that’s a fez ant.

Stuff I Do When I’m Bored


Dodder Fodder

So some meme fodder appeared recently and I decided to take it for a spin. These were posted previously (FuBuk, Twitzerz) so some of you may have seen the sneak preview.

I pity the guy for his condition.

And yeah, I was bored.

A Level Playing Field

Top left is the original [h/t Charlene604]. It appears to date to February 2020; people were already having fun with it on Reddit.

The bottom two are not my own.

Stuff I Do When I’m Bored

All previously posted elsewhere. Bottom image: Inverted color version of storm clouds photographed by Sol R. Land who is living somewhere in the bush with his dog.